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June 2016

Mortgage Strategies For Different Life Stages

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Becoming a homeowner represents a major life milestone. But from a financial point of view, purchasing a home is not a one-time event; it is the foundation for a variety of strategies over the course of a lifetime.
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Shopping For A First Credit Card

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Long before we are old enough to carry credit cards ourselves, advertisers make sure we know about the power of plastic: “It’s everywhere you want to be.” “It pays to Discover.” “What’s in your wallet?” While using an ad campaign to choose a card is a terrible idea, the slogans have one thing right: A credit card can be a powerful thing.
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More Tax Tips For Self-Published Authors

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Most self-published authors are probably more comfortable writing books than publishing them. These days, many services and resources are available to help an aspiring self-publisher. In Part One of this series, I discussed the tax considerations relevant to authors who intend to self-publish. As publication approaches, however, these considerations will inevitably begin to shift.
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Duly Noted

A Partnership Is In The Eye Of The Beholder. If the beholder happens to be the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and the partnership is a limited liability partnership (LLP) or limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) from Delaware or Florida, the partnership is actually a corporation for Canadian tax purposes.
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Melinda Kibler on Westchester on the Level

Melinda Kibler discusses guardianship, estate planning and ways to begin difficult but important conversations about the future. She also describes Palisades Hudson’s unique approach to building client relationships for the long term.
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Miami Back On Top

The scariest phrase in finance may be “This time is different.” So what to make of Florida’s latest real estate boom?
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