Five Questions With: Lesley Oberstadt, Financial Planning Manager
Lesley Oberstadt has been part of the Palisades Hudson staff since July 2018 and joined the management team in 2024. She works across the firm’s practice areas, assisting with projects such as bookkeeping, investment management and tax preparation. Lesley began her Palisades Hudson career in the firm's Stamford, Connecticut office and has since relocated to the Southeast.
1. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a professional dancer. After taking a hit to the nose during a T-ball game at the age of six, I decided sports weren’t for me, so my parents signed me up for dance. I was very shy as a kid (even more so than I am today), but dance gave me a way to express myself and made me feel confident. In college, I minored in dance and even attended the New York Knicks City Dancer dance camp intending to audition for their dance team. Unfortunately, I missed the audition due to getting a speeding ticket on the way to catch the train and never landed a spot on the team. Ultimately, pursuing a degree in accounting was the better choice for me anyway. While not every adviser at Palisades Hudson can claim a dance background, succeeding at both is not as unconnected as you might think. Interestingly enough, some of the discipline and creativity I learned from dance has actually helped me in my finance career.

Marley, photo by Lesley Oberstadt.
2. What’s one place in your city you’d suggest to an out-of-town visitor?
I moved to Mooresville, North Carolina only about about a month ago, so I’m still exploring the area. One place I’ve come to enjoy is a barbecue spot called Big Tiny’s BBQ. Their Texas-style mesquite smoked brisket and pulled pork are the most popular choices, but if I’m being honest, I really just go for the baked mac and cheese and hush puppies.
3. If you have a pet, what kind? What is their name and how long have you had them?
Unpopular opinion, but I am “team cat” in a dog-loving world. I have two cats named Ziggy and Marley. They were littermates that I rescued 8 years ago. You can usually find Ziggy sleeping on my lap while I work. Marley, being the more skittish of the two, tends to hide all day until it’s time for me to go to sleep.

Ziggy, photo by Lesley Oberstadt.
4. What’s a piece of advice you’ve received that mattered to you?
I’m a person who doesn’t like the idea of change at all, so probably the most impactful piece of advice I’ve received recently was to move to North Carolina. While I didn’t accept the advice easily and over-analyzed the pros and cons, it was the right decision. This move has pushed me out of my comfort zone, which is exactly what I needed this year. Ultimately, I am excited for this new chapter, and I look forward to a change of scenery and the new opportunities that will come with it. I’ll also add that having an adorable niece and nephew living in North Carolina might have swayed my decision a bit.
5. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next 12 months?
I most look forward to continuing to explore my new town and the surrounding areas. If there’s one thing to know about me, it’s that I love food, and I’m especially excited to try out new restaurants and local specialities. I can already confirm, though, that the pizza offerings here are not up to Connecticut, or maybe even New York, standards. Nothing will ever come close to topping a good New Haven-style pie.
Another thing I look forward to is adopting a more physically active lifestyle, especially to balance out all the new food I’ll be eating. I’ve recently gotten into meal prepping, and I hope to join a local gym to begin my strength training journey. My brother also happens to be the head golf pro at a local golf course, so maybe I’ll even pick up a club of my own.