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How To Handle Sudden Wealth

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Sudden wealth seems like the exact opposite of a problem. But for many, an abrupt change for the better in their financial lives can create a host of unexpected pitfalls.
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Working With Working Interests

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With oil prices recently falling to post-recession lows, not many investors are looking for the best way to get into the energy sector, yet there are some interesting possibilities for those who want to go against the herd.
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Talking About Money: The Family Meeting

If you hate talking about your finances, you are not alone. When family relationships are added to the mix, it is hardly surprising that many people are quick to push discussions about financial topics to the bottom of their to-do lists. But a family meeting can provide family members a forum in which to start these difficult conversations.
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How To Value A Professional Practice

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If you have seen the television show “Shark Tank,” you have probably heard this question: “How do people actually value a professional business?” Many factors go into a valuation, and “Mr. Wonderful” does not always have the right answer.
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How To Value A Professional Practice

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If you have seen the television show “Shark Tank,” you have probably heard this question: “How do people actually value a professional business?” Many factors go into a valuation, and “Mr. Wonderful” does not always have the right answer.
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Duly Noted

Flight Attendant’s Argument Doesn’t Fly. A Hong Kong-based flight attendant cannot claim favorable foreign-source tax treatment for income she earns …
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