If you own a pass-through business, should you join the crowd and convert it to a C corporation? It may seem like a simple question, but when you look closer, the calculation gets complex.
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Tag Archives: Business Planning (Sentinel)
Maximizing Business Value For Retiring Small Business Owners
Planning for retirement can be complicated for anyone, but business owners have even more to consider.
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Winding Up A Business
Letting go can be hard to do, whether you’re a parent watching a child head off to college or an entrepreneur planning to wind up a business. But preparation can make a hard process a little bit easier.
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Writing A Good Buy-Sell Agreement
Even if not everyone has a will, most people understand why they should. But knowing how a business will go on without an owner or a partner can be just as important.
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Retirement Plan Options For Small Businesses
Retirement planning can seem daunting enough for individuals. For small business owners, the pressure to choose a plan may seem even more overwhelming.
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Tax Planning For Part-Time Farmers
The farmer looms large in the American imagination, but many Americans who have not experienced modern farming firsthand have a skewed perception of what the activity actually entails. The Internal Revenue Service is not so small-minded.
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Form 5500: What Happens When You Hit 100 Participants?
Hitting your 100th employee may be a milestone worth celebrating, but save a piece of cake for the Labor Department and the Internal Revenue Service, who will also be eager to hear about the new chapter in your company’s life cycle.
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Maritime Taxes: Saving Money On The Water
The siren call of boat ownership is easy to understand, here in South Florida. On a hot summer day, or even a crisp winter afternoon, getting out on the water for some sailing, fishing, snorkeling or water skiing can seem like the perfect reason to take the plunge. If you are ready to invest in a boat of your own, whether a modest fishing boat or a high-end yacht, it is worthwhile to pause and consider the tax implications.
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How To Value A Professional Practice
If you have seen the television show “Shark Tank,” you have probably heard this question: “How do people actually value a professional business?” Many factors go into a valuation, and “Mr. Wonderful” does not always have the right answer.
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Best Practices For A Family Office
A family office may have many purposes, ranging from helping younger generations understand how to handle wealth responsibly to simply …
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