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Tag Archives: Real Estate (Sentinel)

Uses And Abuses Of Conservation Easements

natural landscape of forested mountains.

Conservation easements are a powerful planning tool for safeguarding land indefinitely while simultaneously providing tax deductions in the short term. Understanding how they work, and the ways some bad actors abuse them, is key to understanding whether they are right for you.
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When To Use An Adjustable-Rate Mortgage

papers, a model wooden house, and a set of keys.

With home prices soaring in 2021 and interest rates climbing in 2022, many prospective homebuyers are considering alternatives to the traditional fixed-rate mortgage. Although adjustable-rate mortgages are a popular option with real upsides, borrowers should also be aware of potentially significant risks.
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Mortgage Strategies For Different Life Stages

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Becoming a homeowner represents a major life milestone. But from a financial point of view, purchasing a home is not a one-time event; it is the foundation for a variety of strategies over the course of a lifetime.
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