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Tag Archives: Tax Issues (Sentinel)

Securing Your IRA Goals After The SECURE Act

January 2020 may feel like a long time ago, but it marked a relatively recent update to the rules governing retirement accounts, especially individual retirement accounts. This means that even if you previously decided how to handle your traditional or Roth IRA upon your death, you may need to revisit your plan to ensure it still works the way you intend.
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Retiring To A Simpler Life Abroad Is Not So Simple

Moving abroad may affect your retirement plans. Workers in the process of saving for retirement and retirees trying to prudently budget their existing savings should both approach an overseas move, whether temporary or permanent, with care.
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Timely Estate Strategies For An Opportune Moment

The future always includes an element of uncertainty, even if the legislative landscape feels relatively stable. Taxpayers may want to take advantage of various strategies to make the most of the current rules while they remain in effect.
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Tax Consequences Of Expatriation

The United States’ worldwide approach to taxes can be burdensome, but expatriation is not a decision to make lightly. If tax considerations are your main motivation, know that the IRS will do its best to make your departure as painful as it can.
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Taxing Creativity Across State Lines

headphones on keyboard.

Digital collaboration and the rise of larger local music scenes give musical professionals options to move away from hubs like LA and NYC. But artists who receive royalty income may need to consider state income taxes as they relocate.
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How To Manage Equity Compensation

Receiving a job offer or new compensation package is exciting. But if that offer includes equity compensation, it’s important to take time to know what you are getting.
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