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Tag Archives: Tax Issues (Sentinel)

When Spouses Live In Different States

Popular wisdom holds that our world is shrinking. But for married couples who live apart much or all of the time, long distances still present unique challenges and pitfalls. Many of these are emotional, but there are a few financial hazards too. Luckily couples can largely mitigate the financial problems, at least, with some careful planning and foresight.
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Winding Up A Business

Letting go can be hard to do, whether you’re a parent watching a child head off to college or an entrepreneur planning to wind up a business. But preparation can make a hard process a little bit easier.
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Using Structured Settlements

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Structured settlements are a mechanism designed to make sure someone who is injured receives compensation in a way that will best assure their long-term quality of life. While they are complex to set up, once they are underway, they can ideally ensure that plaintiffs have the income they need to recover or adjust to their new way of life.
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College Savings Plans For New Parents

It is sometimes hard for parents of newborns to imagine their babies as teenagers heading off to college. But to be best prepared, parents should plan for that day proactively, even before their baby arrives.
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Protecting Child Performers’ Earnings

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Making it big at an early age is a dream that comes true for a small number of performers and their parents. Careful planning can boost the chances that these child stars will be among the even smaller group who remain successful into adulthood.
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Making Sense Of Tax Reform

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Year-end tax planning was a fraught exercise in 2017 as tax reform made its way through Congress. Now that the legislation is the law of the land, the dust has begun to clear.
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How To Reduce FIRPTA Withholding

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Foreign buyers purchased a record $153 billion of U.S. real estate during the 12 months ending in March 2017, according to the National Association of Realtors®. As these buyers secured their pieces of the American dream, they may not have realized that Uncle Sam will want his share when it comes time to sell.
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The Emerging GOP Tax Plan

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While no tax reform is ever final until the president signs it into law, it seems increasingly likely that congressional Republicans will enact some significant tax changes soon. For taxpayers, all this uncertainty can be unnerving. After all, good tax planning happens with an eye to the future, and when a major shift in taxation is imminent, it can feel as if planning grinds to a halt. But taxpayers can consider the most likely of these changes now without succumbing to either panic or pressure.
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