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Tag Archives: Tax Issues (Sentinel)

Moving From A High-Tax State

As people approach retirement, some succumb to the temptation to move south in pursuit of warmer weather, a lower cost of living and lower taxes. Others, like me, make this choice much earlier in life. Regardless of when you consider moving to a lower-tax state, be sure to examine your priorities and the implications of the move.
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Working With Working Interests

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With oil prices recently falling to post-recession lows, not many investors are looking for the best way to get into the energy sector, yet there are some interesting possibilities for those who want to go against the herd.
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How To Value A Professional Practice

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If you have seen the television show “Shark Tank,” you have probably heard this question: “How do people actually value a professional business?” Many factors go into a valuation, and “Mr. Wonderful” does not always have the right answer.
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A New Tool To Address Special Needs

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In Washington’s current hyper-partisan climate, a law with strong bipartisan support is worthy of notice. Yet one such law, which had the further distinction of creating a new financial planning option for individuals with disabilities and their families, may have flown under your radar as 2014 wound to a close.
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Planning For Portability

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In a world of smartphones and tablets, portability is something we take for granted in our gadgets. But thanks to some recent legislative changes, it is now something that estate planners can take for granted too.
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