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Tag Archives: Tax Issues (Sentinel)

Charitable Giving With Retirement Benefits

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Retirement funds and charitable planning may not be two areas most people would naturally think to combine. But in many cases, donating retirement benefits to charity can be an ideal solution, both for the donor and the recipient.
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Income Tax Planning For Large Estates

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Recent income and estate tax updates have adjusted how the planning game should be played. If your estate plan was drafted before they came into effect, reconsidering how you structure your estate could save you tens of thousands, or even millions, of dollars.
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U.S.-Canada Tax Issues

Americans and Canadians frequently run into their neighboring country’s tax laws. Although dealing with international tax concerns is often complicated, a special relationship between the United States and Canada offers some protection for citizens who earn income or conduct business in both countries.
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Hitting The Road: Financial Management For Musicians On Tour

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For fans, news of an upcoming tour featuring a favorite artist prompts celebration. For musicians, a tour can and should be just as exciting – but it is also much more complicated. Whether you take care of your own recordkeeping or work with a road manager, you should still take time to understand the basics of how your tour’s finances work.
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Private Foundations Can Work For Some

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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest and arguably the best-known private foundation in the United States. While not everyone who creates a successful foundation will be like the Gateses, the couple can be a useful model when deciding whether a private foundation meets your charitable goals.
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Choosing A Retirement Plan For Your Small Business

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A qualified retirement plan can be beneficial to employers and employees alike, yet for a small business owner who is busy with daily operations, the time and effort involved in choosing a plan can seem daunting. It does not have to be.
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